Nuffnang Ads

Sep 23, 2009
Unified Advertising was a place where I did my internship, now, upon ending my internship program, I am now a moderator in
Though I was acting like a moderator at a dotaportal some time ago, I am now a full fledge mod here. Check the site out, maybe not now though, there are still work to be done.
I don't think is at its infant stage, instead I would say its in the natal stage. Haha

Sep 4, 2009


This post here is a dedicated post. So here is some arts that I enjoy to see. Hope it will gives you some pointers. Things always lead from one place to another, one event to another, one incident to another, so it depends on your creativity, what you want to do, how you want to let your imagination fly. Life is short, don't get so stuck up, show your love, show your passion, be yourself, study is a must, we can't get away, but while you are studying, steal 5minutes for your own time. Relax a little now and then so you won't end up stressing up more than you are supposed to.

This is my favourite

This on the other hand is rather creative in linking.

Here you have Duke SPCA big film debut. Dont really like the condom part though, but overall, a very good effort and two thumbs for me. Take note that DUKE was a stray, and you should know how hard it is to train strays, if you don't know, trying teaching your grandparents computer.

Sep 3, 2009

Smart Poodle A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa, taking her poodle along for company. One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a hungry-looking leopard heading rapidly in his direction. The poodle thinks, "Oh, oh!" Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap, the poodle exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder if there are any more around here?" Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!", says the leopard, "That was close! That poodle nearly had me!" Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So off he goes, but the poodle sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, monkey, hop on my back so you can watch me chew that poodle to bits!" Now, the poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?", but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and waits until they get just close enough to hear. "Where's that damn monkey?" the poodle says, "I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard!" *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Well, I like this joke a lot, its like when god gives you lemon, make lemonade, don't always be sour, there are things worse thats happening to others. All I can say is, enjoy lifes' up and down, with no downs, how can you enjoy the ups?