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Jul 8, 2009

If bad dreams never hit me all these while, I just hope this is a bad dream. I just wish that it is a dream which resembles reality so much that I have been emerse into it for a few days. But facts are facts, I don't really dream let alone have nightmares, so let just leave it that way. Learning to accept the truth which a tragedy has fallen unto my family is something I have to accept and prepare myself for everyone in case if my family falls, though it may sound serious, but that is what I have to prepare for.
But thank god that during the evening visiting hours, spiritually, everyone believes in my brother, everyone has faith that my brother will overcome this barrier. I for one do not have faith, but knows my brother will prevail, he loves this family more than anything, and I believe rank 3, family come first before his companion liquor and cigarette!!
So bro, come back, we are waiting for you, and with my next paycheck, you mom dad and My Sexy Girl will dine togather!