Nuffnang Ads

Jul 27, 2009


Obviously infra-red is out dated.

Bluetooth on the other hand might be going out of trend not too far in the future.

But I wonder, will RFID replace Bluetooth?

If so, then the silly, or should I say intriguing question shall be:

What will RFID be call in malay?

We all know how Malaysians or maybe to be more specific, how the Malay Language is trying to adapt to English, trying to take in their terminology into the Malay Language.

I believe all should understand what I mean when I say 'download', well, in the Malay term, it was called 'muat turun', hmm, nice. Direct translation while applying the Hukum DM.

And so there are also many other terminology that has been modified (twisted) into the Malay Language, Oxigen for example, then you will have Oxidation, Dioxidation etc etc. It is fine when they turn the scientific term into the Malay Language, but I personally enjoy discovering the terms of computer into Malay. Words such as hacker, upload, mouse, CPU, etc, you will really have a fun time learning it, and definitely you will feel a lot better, especially after the good laugh.

Mouse in Malay would be tetikus. I wonder, if the mouse was called a cat, will they name it kekucing instead?

Well, I am sorry to say, but it really did tickle me when I was in the sub-science stream during SPM, where we took I.T. instead of Bio. Me and my friends will always have a good laugh when we discover new terms which has been translated. If memory serves me right, the term 'muat turun' was done during my SPM time. Really had a good laugh